Patients are filming their own surgery! Yeah, that happens!

patients are filming their own surgeryA lot of doctors are having trouble with the intrusion of social media into the clinical arena. Whether it be during a consultation or surgery, patients want to, anonymously or not, share their experience. And yeah, patients are filming their own surgery!


Paying it forward

Video is critical to a patient’s preop education. They book their surgery and they want to be prepared. Reasonable enough. In the distant past, that meant talking to someone who had a similar experience. Then in the not too distant past, they started reading about it online. And now more recently, with the rise of video clips on Snapchat and YouTube, they’re watching the entire procedure ahead of time and checking the cost.


Patients benefit and appreciate that video preparation. So when the patient undergoes the procedure themselves, they want to educate those that come after them, i.e. paying it forward. In the case of a procedure under local anesthesia, patients are filming their own surgery. You can see an example below of a patient getting their upper eyelids “done.”


Video: Patients are filming their own surgery


Considering surgery? Click here and check pricing from Dr. Kaplan but also watch some video of the procedure!


Click here for the original blog post written by Dr. Jonathan Kaplan for BuildMyBod.


“Dr. Kaplan is a true professional. He gave me extremely helpful and direct honest advice…I strongly recommend him.”– David S.

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