Life After Lash Extensions: 6 month update

It’s been 6 months since I embarked on my lash growth journey with Latisse! Read my first blog post to get the full scoop. It starts with developing a severe allergy to lash extensions – a story of betrayal, recovery, and perseverance. Keep reading if you’ve experienced something similar, or you’re simply interested in starting […]
Get Those Coveted Mommy Makeover Results… and Keep Them!

Mommy Makeover transformations can dramatically change a patient’s confidence and lifestyle. Here’s my potentially not-so-controversial opinion: If you’re even remotely considering plastic surgery, think of that as the first step to a lifestyle change. Doing so will not only contribute to having spectacular results, but you’ll start instilling healthy habits to maintain those results long […]
Life After Lash Extensions: What I did after developing an allergy

You love the look of eyelash extensions. You’ve tried lash growth serums in the past, but extensions give you the instant gratification you want! At least, that was the case for me. Because of my naturally short and sparse lashes, I’ve always been self-conscious and felt that I looked like a little baby boy. But […]
Why cosmetic procedures aren’t just for the shallow at heart!

Cosmetic procedures help people feel comfortable in their own skin, and studies have shown that a person’s physical appearance affects their self-esteem. It impacts the value we place on ourselves, which feeds into the confidence we exude in our day-to-day lives. My experience with cosmetic procedures When I was about 13 years old, my […]
The pandemic is over… time to move on

I’ve had enough. I’m over it. We did what we could. Never before has a pandemic pathogen met its match so quickly. In America, the first shelter in place was in San Francisco on March 16th, 2020 and the first vaccination shot occurred on December 14th, 2020. Within the same year, actually within 9 months. […]
Why I canceled my trip to Hawaii [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW, and I’m here with board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Well, wow, Dr. Bae, you’re looking more handsome than ever. Dr. Bae: Thanks so much, Greg. Good to see you. Greg: Did I embarrass you? I hope not. Dr. Bae: […]
Bae Break with Greg: What is breakthrough COVID? [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here with Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 Now. And of course I am here with a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. How you doing Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae: I’m great, Greg. Good to see you. Greg: It is good to see you too, especially now. I mean, […]
Bae Break with Greg: Vaccine mandate for patients

Greg: Hey, this is Greg here from Big Bae mornings and 99.7 Now. And I’m back with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. How you been, Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae: I’m good ,Greg. I’m thankfully healthy. No signs of COVID, doing well. New vaccine mandate Greg: That is good. Well, that leads me […]
Beware of Medical Tourism [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW. And I’m back here with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Hey, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Hey, Greg. Greg: What’s going on? Dr. Bae: Things are good. We are seeing patients regularly, busy. Everybody’s like kind of getting their COVID […]
The difficulty in diagnosing Breast Implant Associated Illness (BIAI)
If you’re considering a breast augmentation, then you’ve no doubt heard about two potential medical issues. One is Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, or ALCL, and the other is Breast Implant Associated Illness, or BIAI. ALCL, which you can read about here, is a more limited issue that has affected a total of 733 people globally. […]
As COVID cases increase, so too must the public’s tolerance for them

Remember back in March and April when the fear of COVID shut down everything, including elective medical care, gyms and large gatherings? The hope was that we could quickly and “easily” stop COVID in its tracks. But as COVID cases increase and the pandemic drags on, it’s clear this won’t have a quick resolution. Citizens […]
So we’re to believe some mass gatherings are ok during a pandemic?

Early on in this pandemic, the recommendations from the CDC and state authorities were pretty clear when it came to mass gatherings: don’t have them. In fact, the CDC reiterates this guidance in an update from July 7th, 2020. The highest risk of spread of the coronavirus comes from “large in-person gatherings where it is […]