Preventing Post Op Complications

Post op complications are a risk everyone must consider when planning surgery. While there is no surefire way to prevent 100% of post op complications, there are ways to reduce your risk of some of these issues. What are some post op complications I should be aware of? Fever Fever is a vague […]
Postop Recovery Tips

No matter what procedure you’re having, you’ll need to prepare for some physical (and possibly emotional) limitations after surgery. Set yourself up for success with a few insider tips, as recommended by former surgical patients. A few things I wish I knew before surgery Post-op constipation is real. The combination of narcotic […]
Avoiding blood clots in the legs during and after surgery

During plastic surgery, one of the biggest concerns patients and their surgeon’s have is the potential for the development of blood clots in the patient’s legs. These are referred to as a DVT or Deep Vein Thrombosis. The pathophysiology, or the reason these clots develop, has to do with three possible factors. 1) Stasis, or […]
Beware of Medical Tourism [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW. And I’m back here with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. Hey, Dr. Bae. Dr. Bae: Hey, Greg. Greg: What’s going on? Dr. Bae: Things are good. We are seeing patients regularly, busy. Everybody’s like kind of getting their COVID […]
Botched, smotched with Greg and Dr. Bae [video]

Greg: Hey, this is Greg from Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 NOW, and I’m back with my buddy, Dr. Bae, board certified plastic surgeon. What’s going on, Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae: All is well. Thanks for having me, Greg. Botched Greg: My camera’s sliding over here. I’ve got to be careful. I’m banging […]
What you should expect from yourself and your surgeon after surgery

We had a recent postoperative patient compliment us on our blog and how informative it is. However, she pointed out that one thing she couldn’t find was a blog post on what to expect after surgery. So here goes! What you should expect from yourself and your surgeon after surgery This listicle should serve […]
Listicle: The red flags we look for in our patients

Red flags are something a potential patient does (or doesn’t do) that can portend future problems. After 12 years of practice, I’m getting better at noticing these red flags but there’s always room for a heightened sense of awareness. Check out our “listicle” below for a few of these red flags. In case you’ve never […]
Just like $h!t happens, postop wounds happen! [video]

It’s an unfortunate fact of surgery that postop wounds can occur. Doesn’t necessarily mean the patient or the doctor did anything wrong. Even with a high intake of protein before or after surgery to improve wound healing, wounds can still occur. The important thing is that most of the time, it’s all going to be […]
Get cosmetic surgery and quit smoking…maybe
This recent article makes an incredibly interesting argument. That cosmetic surgery can lead patients to quit smoking! It’s not as far-fetched as you may think. It’s starts with the notion that smoking affects small blood vessels in healing skin. Cosmetic surgery to quit smoking? If you’re a smoker, you know surgeons always say to avoid […]
Don’t freak out about these things after surgery
Having surgery soon? It’s a stressful time, so remember these things after surgery to reduce your anxiety level. Some of these postop issues are very normal and should not be a cause for alarm. Even if you’re not going through surgery yourself, someone may be depending on you as their caregiver. So heed this advice […]
5 reasons to consider rolling a joint after surgery!
Crazy, I know. But regardless of your personal bent on the topic, marijuana use for medicinal purposes is now legal in 29 states plus the District of Columbia! That’s a lot of places where patients can legally be prescribed, and then purchase medical marijuana for an assortment of ailments, including recovery after surgery. Before dismissing […]
Postop Breast Surgery Do’s and Don’ts [video]
Looking to increase your chances of a complication free postop breast augmentation recovery? Then follow these simple recommendations. Don’t submerge in water While every surgeon is different (and you should check with your surgeon before believing everything you read on the internet!), submerging your fresh breast aug incisions in water is not a good […]