Inframammary Incision: Pros & Cons

Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, there are several important decisions to make, including incision placement. Surgeons place incisions in the least conspicuous areas to prevent visible scarring. There are three different incision locations: periareolar, transaxillary, and inframammary. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks. The inframammary incision is one of the most popular choices for breast augmentation in San Francisco for its versatility and near-invisibility. 

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The Inframammary Incision: Pros

Inframammary incisions are made in the fold where the lower part of the breast meets the chest wall. From there, a saline or silicone implant can be inserted below or above the muscle.Many patients prefer this type of incision—especially those with greater breast tissue volume below the nipple—because the scar is easily hidden by a bra, bikini, or the breast. Because of the incision’s proximity to the surgical site, surgeons have more precision and control over implant placement and bleeding than they do with transaxillary and transumbilical incisions.


Like the periareolar incision, the original incision site can also be reopened for subsequent surgeries, if necessary, which means no future additional scarring. But, unlike a periareolar incision, the inframammary incision presents no additional risk of nerve damage in the nipples.


The Inframammary Incision: Cons

One drawback to inframammary placement is that, from an aesthetic standpoint, it makes it difficult for a patient to change her breast size later on. If a woman increases her breast size, it can cause the scar to move up, so it’s on the breast. If she decreases it, the scar can move down, so it’s visible below the fold of the breast. 


This incision can also interfere with the milk ducts, so it is not recommended for younger women or women who plan to have children and breastfeed. The incision scar is typically between 0.5”-2” wide and, although it cannot be seen while wearing a bra or bikini, it may be noticeable when raising your arms over your head or lying down. 


For patients who start out with very small breasts or little-to-no natural breast creases, it can also be difficult for a plastic surgeon to place the incision in the optimal position, though this risk can be minimized by going to a highly experienced plastic surgeon.


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Feel Confident with Breast Augmentation at Pacific Heights Plastic Surgery

The type of incision to choose depends on the size implants you want and the current shape of your breast. Incision placement can also affect plastic surgery prices for breast augmentation, so it is important to consult your plastic surgeon about incision locations and other details for your surgery. 


At Pacific Heights Plastic Surgery, we want you to look as good on the outside as you feel on the inside. Breast augmentation can improve bodily symmetry and give you the boost of confidence you need. Call or text Dr. Kaplan for a consultation today at 415-923-3005.

“Dr. Kaplan is a true professional. He gave me extremely helpful and direct honest advice…I strongly recommend him.”– David S.

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