Fat Transfer


What is “fat transfer”?

The fat transfer, or “autologous fat grafting,” procedure utilizes the patient’s own fat from a donor area to be injected into another part of the patient’s body. This procedure is great for people who would like to slim down one area of the body and increase volume in another. In addition to adding volume to areas where fat has diminished, fat transfer can be used to treat wrinkles and depressions in the skin, such as acne scars. Fat can be taken from areas such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs and injected into the face, lips, breasts, buttocks, and hands for volume or rejuvenation purposes. At his San Francisco plastic surgery practice, Dr. Kaplan performs this procedure often and provides his patients with safe, long-lasting, and natural-appearing results.*

Prior to the procedure, patients will be evaluated based on their medical history and a physical examination to ensure that they are healthy enough for surgery. The fat transfer procedure can be performed under either local or general anesthesia. Fat is harvested from the donor site with a special hollow tube for suctioning (cannula) using a complex technique to ensure that the fat cells are not damaged. The fat is then purified and carefully re-injected with specially designed needles into the part(s) of the body needing augmentation or rejuvenation. Dr. Kaplan may massage the area to create the desired contour.

What are the risks associated with fat transfer?

Swelling is common after fat injections, but will resolve within two or three weeks, depending on the area that is injected.* After the procedure, dressings may be applied to the treated areas and San Francisco patients should avoid applying pressure to the injection sites. In addition, the doctor may give instructions for a massage regimen that the patient can follow to further improve the resulting contours. Ideal fat transfer patients are in good overall health and do not have a history of abnormal swelling or bleeding. As with all procedures, there are some risks associated with fat transfer, such as bruising, swelling, infection, and temporary numbness of the skin.

Some injection areas may require multiple or subsequent injections to achieve optimum results. Because the injected material is the patient’s own fat cells, there is no risk of an allergic reaction. In addition, fat is a well-tolerated filler and provides natural, enduring results.*

If you are interested in a fat transfer procedure to achieve more attractive body contours, contact your San Francisco plastic surgeon, Dr. Jonathan Kaplan. Please fill out our contact form or call (415) 923-3005 today to schedule your initial consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

Click here, to check pricing on fat injections to the face.

And learn more about postop recovery here.

*Individual Results May Vary

“Dr. Kaplan is a true professional. He gave me extremely helpful and direct honest advice…I strongly recommend him.”– David S.

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