Hospitals posting prices. A good start.
You may have seen this NY Times article a couple weeks ago about a new law requiring hospitals to post prices. The law was initially
You may have seen this NY Times article a couple weeks ago about a new law requiring hospitals to post prices. The law was initially
I don’t know what got her going but my wife, Kelsey, or kelseykaplanfashion on Instagram, went on a humorous tirade on what to look for
Red flags are something a potential patient does (or doesn’t do) that can portend future problems. After 12 years of practice, I’m getting better at
Whenever talking to a potential client about using the BuildMyBod Health platform on their website, I run them through an online demo via GoToMeeting. While
Of the two images above, which do you prefer? You don’t even have to know what we’re talking about or referring to but the choice
There’s probably nothing more frustrating for a consumer and physician than a consultation that ends in sticker shock. How can a doctor’s website provide so
I just attended the Fall meeting of the Cleveland Clinic Alumni Board of Directors. The biannual meetings of the Board of Directors provides an opportunity
The other day I was in a Lyft going somewhere awesome I’m sure! The driver asked what I did and I explained that I’m a