Why you still need a chemical peel after a facelift

faceliftIt’s understandable to assume that the granddaddy of all cosmetic procedures, the facelift, is the end all, be all operation. After you get a facelift, you don’t need anything else in your facial rejuvenation repertoire, right? Not necessarily.


Why a chemical peel may be necessary after a facelift

If you have jowls (the hanging skin around the jawline) or a sagging neck, a facelift will fix all of that. With incisions in front of and behind the ears, the skin can be elevated to lift and remove excess aging skin. As seen in the video below, the underlying SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) is tightened to give a longer lasting effect. But lifting skin can’t remove all wrinkles.


For example in the photo above, there are wrinkles and etched-in lines around the mouth. You can lift all you want but that won’t get rid of those lines and wrinkles. In these cases, you need to start fresh and resurface the skin. That’s where a chemical peel comes in. A chemical peel literally burns off the top layer of skin as seen in the photo above and video below. After removing those lines, the skin has a fresh smooth top layer.


If you only lift the face but leave deep lines behind, you’ll still have an aged appearance. This is frustrating considering you just spent so much money on a facelift. Therefore, it may behoove you to complete the facial rejuvenation process, i.e. remove the lines with a deep peel, after lifting your sagging skin.


A facelift with concomitant deep chemical peel


To check pricing on a facelift and deep chemical peel from Dr. Kaplan, click here and here, respectively.


Click here for the original blog post written by Dr. Jonathan Kaplan for BuildMyBod.


“Dr. Kaplan is a true professional. He gave me extremely helpful and direct honest advice…I strongly recommend him.”– David S.

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