When it comes to male plastic surgery, the four most common surgical procedures I’m seeing in my office are men interested in upper eyelid lift, neck lift, gynecomastia (male breast reduction) and liposuction of the abdomen.
Upper Eyelid Lift
An upper eyelid lift is a very straightforward procedure to remove excess upper eyelid skin to correct heavy eyelids. After removal of excess skin, the incision will lie within the natural skin crease in the upper lid. Depending on how the stitches are placed, sometimes the patient can remove the stitches themselves! Also, this procedure can often be performed under local anesthesia which will reduce the cost of the procedure. In this patient, he actually had upper eyelid skin removed and lower eyelid fat removed. The lower eyelid fat was removed from the inside of the lower eyelid so he has no visible scar to the lower lid!
The cost of an upper eyelid lift across the US ranges from $2,661 to $3,656 and that includes all costs. For more accurate pricing from Dr. Kaplan, click here.
Neck lift
In this photo to the left, the male patient had a neck lift through one incision in the crux of the neck. Through this one incision, the neck muscles can be tightened, fat removed and excess skin redraped so that it doesn’t have to be removed with additional incisions behind the ear. This is particularly important for men because they often have short hair and it’s harder to hide the incisions behind the ear, the way a woman can hide a similar scar.
The cost of a neck lift across the US ranges from $5,025 to $6,467 and that includes all costs. For more accurate pricing from Dr. Kaplan, click here.
While the causes may vary – marijuana use, steroids or for simply unknown reasons – some men develop excess breast tissue. If you only have excess breast tissue and minimal excess skin, the breast tissue can be removed through a small incision around the areola and the skin will tighten on its own. If you have a large amount of excess skin, then this will result in more incisions to tighten the skin.
The cost of gynecomastia correction across the US ranges from $5,103 to $5,738 and that includes all costs. For more accurate pricing from Dr. Kaplan, click here.
Liposuction of the Abdomen

Liposuction is one of the most common procedures around. In the case of male plastic surgery, liposuction is often employed to reduce love handles and the “pooch” in the lower abdomen. This can be done under twilight sedation (not general anesthesia) if you prefer and like all of the procedures mentioned in this post, liposuction is an outpatient procedure. If you’re a good candidate for liposuction, your skin will tighten without the need for additional incisions.
The cost of liposuction of the abdomen across the US ranges from $4,016 to $4,255 and that includes all costs. For more accurate pricing from Dr. Kaplan, click here.
To discuss these procedures with Dr. Kaplan and get automated online cost information, click here.
Click here for the original blog post written by Dr. Jonathan Kaplan for BuildMyBod.