The Future of Healthcare

health careWhy do you buy tickets online before going to a movie? What’s the point, you’ve got to go to the movie anyway. The reason is several-fold. It’s the convenience of not waiting in line, not fumbling with the transaction of choosing the movie you want, providing a credit card and getting the tickets. It’s easier to avoid the whole transaction process by purchasing online. Healthcare can learn a lot from the movies!


Online purchases in healthcare

When going to the doctor for a routine type of service – annual physical, teeth whitening, crown, bridge, mole removal, skin check, Botox, fillers or physician-provided products like skin care or vitamin supplements – why not shift these transactions online? By purchasing online ahead of time, you can avoid the not-too-private checkout at the front desk when everyone can see and hear how much you paid for whatever medical/dental services you received. Another situation that’s also amenable to online purchase is the routine blood work or X-rays that may be less than your deductible and will be paid out of pocket anyway.


As you might imagine, there’s an online solution for this in healthcare. BuildMyBod, the website or the embedded platform within a doctor’s personal website can allow you the opportunity to see a doctor’s services and prices, and even purchase non-surgical services online. Welcome to the future of healthcare coming January 2015!


Click here for the original blog post written by Dr. Jonathan Kaplan for BuildMyBod.


“Dr. Kaplan is a true professional. He gave me extremely helpful and direct honest advice…I strongly recommend him.”– David S.

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