I recently had what I think was the flu. Night sweats, malaise, sneezing, coughing etc. But the night sweats was what really got me because I became so dehydrated in just a matter of hours while sleeping. With the nurses in my office seeing how dehydrated/ill I looked, they suggested IV fluids. Whoa! Did that make a difference!
IV fluids – the gold standard
IV, or intravenous fluids, is the quickest way to restore lost volume from night sweats, illness or extreme heat, but obviously it’s not always practical. For moments when it’s not practical, you should consider an oral rehydration fluid like DripDrop. To learn more about DripDrop, listen to their CEO on this podcast. But for those other times when you do have access to IV fluids, it really is the gold standard. What? You don’t have access to intravenous fluids?! In this on-demand economy, everyone now has access to IV fluids!
There are several IV on-demand services out there, including Dr. Kaplan, that can offer house calls from the nurses in our offices. While Dr. Kaplan offers many surgical and non-surgical services within the office, his nurses are available to provide on-demand, home intravenous therapy. And we’re not talking about weird unproven supplements. We’re talking about plain old intravenous fluids that can quickly restore your lost volume from illness or even a hangover.
In addition to checking the cost online, you can even purchase your hangover IV therapy online through Dr. Kaplan’s site. To learn more, click here, then follow the links to find your IV therapy of choice, then click “BuyNow” and the nurses from Dr. Kaplan’s office will come out to your home or hotel for treatment.
If an apple a day will keep the doctor away, an IV for rehydration is even better!
Click here for the original blog post written by Dr. Jonathan Kaplan for BuildMyBod.