Breast Augmentation: Pricing and Before and After Photos

breast augmentation

In case you’re looking for more breast augmentation before and after photos, you can check out these below and also here. All implants are silicone, under the muscle and placed through an incision within the crease underneath the breast. The main differences are size and shape of implant (round vs shaped).


While all of these implants look to be an appropriate size for each patient, you’ll notice the implant sizes vary. It’s important to keep this in mind when you’re considering breast augmentation because while a 350cc implant will look totally appropriate in someone that is 5’7″ it will be too big for someone that’s 5’0″.


breast augmentation


Consider that some patients are very short, maybe less than five feet tall and other are almost six feet tall. Also, don’t get hung up on the idea of what cup size you’ll be after surgery.  Different bra manufacturers fit more snugly than others.


breast augmentation


As you can see in each photo, the size is listed along with whether the patient has round or shaped implants. While not every patient is a candidate for a shaped implant, it’s great for patients that want a more natural look without the upper breast fullness often seen in the typical breast augmentation patient.


breast augmentation


If you want to learn more about breast augmentation, start by looking at this surgical video:


Breast Augmentation Surgical Video


For pricing on various breast augmentation procedures from Dr. Kaplan, click here.


Click here for the original blog post written by Dr. Jonathan Kaplan for BuildMyBod.


“Dr. Kaplan is a true professional. He gave me extremely helpful and direct honest advice…I strongly recommend him.”– David S.

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