Brazilian Butt Lift (Buttock Augmentation)


Buttock Augmentation and Lift – BBL San Francisco

When you try on a new pair of jeans, what’s the first thing you go to look at in the mirror? How great your bottom looks, of course! In fashion and on the streets, it seems that more and more people are starting to recognize the beauty of a curvaceous rear end. However, not all people are genetically blessed in this department. For these individuals, the world of plastic surgery has an answer. Through either a butt augmentation with gluteal implants or a Brazilian butt lift, you can finally have the rear end you’ve always wanted.

The Brazilian butt lift and buttock augmentation procedures are becoming extremely popular amongst San Francisco residents. An increasing number of people desire a rounder, firmer, and elevated derriére. It may be difficult to find clothing that fits correctly on a small posterior, or you may be sensitive about the lack of curves you have. Weight loss can leave behind loose skin on the hindquarters. People with a saggy or flat buttocks often undergo a Brazilian butt lift to gain definition in their gluteal muscles and lift their buttocks to a more attractive position. People who aren’t candidates for a Brazilian butt lift may opt for gluteal implants, instead.

Whichever surgery you choose, the procedure will be performed under general anesthesia, local anesthesia, or intravenous sedation. The type of sedation used for your plastic surgery will all depend on the procedure, how asleep or “out of it” you want to be during your surgery, and any allergies you may have to medications. Dr. Kaplan conducts buttock augmentation using either the fat transfer method or gluteal implants. He will determine which technique is best for each San Francisco patient depending on their unique, individual circumstances and desired results.

What types of buttock augmentation are available?

Autologous Fat Transfer: The fat transfer, or “fat grafting,” method for buttock augmentation utilizes the San Francisco patient’s own tissue to provide the buttocks with the desired contour. This is commonly referred to as a Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Kaplan removes fat from donor sites on the patient’s body, such as the abdomen, hips, back, and/or thighs, using liposuction. After separating the fat from excess fluid, Dr. Kaplan will inject the fat safely into the buttocks. Some fat may be reabsorbed, especially if patients sit on their buttocks too soon after surgery, or resume exercise before they are cleared by Dr. Kaplan. Consequently, this technique may require more than one procedure

Gluteal Implants: Solid or cohesive silicone implants are a great option for providing volume to the buttocks. This procedure is appropriate for San Francisco patients who do not have excess fat to take from donor sites via liposuction but still desire a rounder, firmer bottom. The incisions are made either in the folds between the buttocks or along the natural crease between the buttocks and the thighs. The doctor will place implants below the gluteus muscle and above the pelvic bone for a shapely contour that feels similar to a well-toned muscle. Afterward, an incision is made along the back “panty line” to reduce excess skin and fat from the top part of the buttock.

Skin Excision: The remaining skin on the buttocks is pulled up and attached to the lower back to raise the buttocks to a higher position.*

Ideal candidates for a Brazilian butt lift or butt augmentation

Desiring a rounder or firmer behind doesn’t automatically qualify you for plastic surgery. San Francisco residents who want to work with Dr. Kaplan for either a Brazilian butt lift or gluteal implants must:

  • Be in good overall health.
  • Listen to Dr. Kaplan explain the selected procedure and communicate to him that they have realistic results for the surgery.
  • Be non-smokers, as smoking may complicate both the surgery and recovery time.
  • Be committed to following Dr. Kaplan’s post-operative recovery instructions, which include not being able to sit on your bottom for 2-3 weeks depending on which procedure you have performed.
  • Be in good psychological health.

As with all surgical procedures, there are certain risks associated with buttock augmentation and lift, such as infection and bleeding. During the first two weeks of recovery, San Francisco patients should avoid putting direct pressure on the buttocks. Therefore, you will wear a compression garment to reduce swelling and help the buttocks take on its new shape. Best of all, the results of a buttock augmentation and lift will be visible immediately.* Most patients experience a boost in their self-esteem. Also, they know they finally have the voluptuous backside they have always desired.*

What will happen in my Brazilian butt lift consultation?

During your consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Jonathan Kaplan, M.D., you will be able to express your goals for surgery. He will answer any questions you may have. Dr. Kaplan will evaluate you to determine which method – a Brazilian butt lift or gluteal implants – will be most beneficial for you. Also, Dr. Kaplan will make sure that you fully understand the benefits and risks of the procedure.

If you live in the San Francisco area and wish to learn more about a buttock augmentation and lift, please fill out our contact form today or call (415) 923-3005 to schedule your initial consultation. Dr. Kaplan looks forward to meeting you.

Click here, to check pricing on a Brazilian butt lift.

And learn more about postop recovery here.

*Individual Results May Vary

“Dr. Kaplan is a true professional. He gave me extremely helpful and direct honest advice…I strongly recommend him.”– David S.

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